Product Description
Robert Juliat Sully 4C 200W LED 200mm Pebble Lens

Other Details
Robert Juliat, Inc. warrants to the original owner or retail customer that, for a period of
two years from date of shipping, its products will be free from defects in materials and
workmanship under normal use and service.
This warranty does not cover any product, or part of a product, subject to accident,
negligence, alteration, abuse or misuse, or any accessories or parts not supplied by
Robert Juliat, Inc. Warranty does not cover consumable parts such as fuses, lamps or
lenses. Freight terms on warranty repairs are FOB Wallingford, CT or designated repair
facility. Collect shipments or freight allowances will not be accepted.
Robert Juliat, Inc.’s sole responsibility under this warranty shall be to repair or replace,
at its option, such parts as shall be determined to be defective. Robert Juliat, Inc. will
not assume any responsibility for any labor expended, or materials used, to repair any
equipment without prior written authorization from Robert Juliat, Inc. Furthermore,
Robert Juliat, Inc. shall not be responsible for any incidental, general, or consequential
damages, damages to property, damages for loss of use, time, profits or income, or any
other damages.
The customer’s obligations during the warranty period are to notify Robert Juliat, Inc. at
its offices in Wallingford, CT, within one week of any suspected defect, and to return the
goods, prepaid, to Robert Juliat, Inc. at its offices or authorized service center.
This warranty is contingent on the customer’s full and timely compliance with the terms
of payment set forth in the Terms and Conditions. This warranty is expressed in lieu of
any and all other warranties expressed or implied including the warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and of all other obligations and
liabilities on our part. The customer acknowledges that no other representations were
made to him or relied upon him with respect to the quality and function of the goods
This written warranty is intended as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms
thereof. Prior dealings or trade usage shall not be relevant to modify, explain or vary
this warranty. Acceptance of, or acquiescing in, a course of performance under this
warranty shall not modify the meaning of the agreement even though either party has
knowledge of the performance and chance to object.
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