German Light Products 5900389 Wireless DMX PCB for Exo Units
Wireless DMX PCB for Exo Beam, Spot or Wash.
Other Details
1. GLP warrants for defects of the service object at its discretion via repair/rectification in the form of a
defect removal or new production/new performance of a defect-free service object. Should the
repair/rectification fail at least twice, then the customer is entitled at its own discretion to request a
reduction of the remuneration (deduction) or a revocation of the agreement (withdrawal). The customer
shall also have the right to choose between a deduction or a withdrawal from the contract should GLP
refuse to carry out the repair/rectification as a result of it only being possible at disproportionate cost.
However, the customer is only entitled to a withdrawal from the contract if the defect is significant and
the service provided by GLP is of no interest without a repair/rectification. Before withdrawing from the
contract, the customer must have provided GLP with an unmet reasonable deadline for the
repair/rectification or new production/new performance in writing; § 4 paragraph 2 lines 2 and 3 apply
2. Claims for material defects shall not apply in the case of minor deviation from the contractual quality
of the service object (§ 2 paragraph 2) or in the case of minor impairment of its usefulness.
3. Warranty claims from the customer (reduction, withdrawal, damages) come under the statute of
limitations in 12 (twelve) months. The warranty period begins at the point of acceptance/transfer of risk.
This does not apply if § 438 paragraph 1 no. 2, 479 paragraph 1 and 634 a paragraph 1 no. 2 of the
German Civil Code (BGB) stipulate longer time periods, as well as in the event of injury to life, body, or
health, or breach of duty by gross negligence by GLP, or the fraudulent concealment of a defect.